Severance Short Brief
Severance is a critically acclaimed Apple TV+ series created by Dan Erickson, blending elements of psychological thriller and dark comedy. The show centers around a mysterious corporate program that allows employees at Lumon Industries to undergo a procedure known as 'severance', which surgically divides their memories between work and personal life. The story follows Mark Scout, portrayed by Adam Scott, who leads a team of office workers, including Helly R., Irving, and Dylan, as they navigate the bizarre and often unsettling world of their work environment, unaware of the larger implications of their severed lives. As they begin to question their reality and the motives behind Lumon's practices, the show delves into themes of identity, free will, and the ethics of corporate culture. With a unique visual style and strong performances, Severance has garnered a dedicated fan base and critical praise for its thought-provoking narrative and clever storytelling.