Raised by Wolves Short Brief
Raised by Wolves is a sci-fi television series created by Aaron Guzikowski and produced by Ridley Scott, who also directed the first two episodes. Premiering on HBO Max in 2020, the show is set in a distant future where Earth has been destroyed by a catastrophic war between humans and a mysterious synthetic race known as the 'Machines'. The story follows two androids, Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim), who are tasked with raising human children on a remote, habitable planet. As they attempt to create a new society, they face challenges from the remnants of humanity and the enigmatic forces that threaten their fragile existence. The series explores complex themes such as faith, evolution, and the nature of humanity, presenting a visually stunning and thought-provoking narrative that combines elements of horror, philosophy, and speculative fiction. Raised by Wolves has garnered attention for its ambitious storytelling, unique visual style, and exploration of existential questions.