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Livet enligt Rosa (2005)

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We learn about the life of 13-year-old Swedish girl Rosa who fantasizes to be a pop star. She uses to explain her life to her fans by talking to a camera and also sings songs about her life into that camera. Rosa's parents are separated, she's living with her mother and her older sister.


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Livet enligt Rosa Cast and Characters - Full Details

Anna Ryrberg Anna Ryrberg as Rosa
Cilla Thorell Cilla Thorell as Pia
Nanna Blondell Nanna Blondell as Blenda
Freddy Åsblom Freddy Åsblom as Ville
Jasmin Snäll Vasquez Jasmin Snäll Vasquez as Pamela
Thomas Hanzon Thomas Hanzon as Göran

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