BAKI (2018 - 2020)
While martial arts champion Baki Hanma trains hard to surpass his legendary father, five violent death row inmates descend upon Tokyo to take him on.
While martial arts champion Baki Hanma trains hard to surpass his legendary father, five violent death row inmates descend upon Tokyo to take him on.
Baki is a dynamic anime series centered around the world of underground martial arts and extreme fighting. The story follows Baki Hanma, a young and determined fighter who strives to become the strongest grappler by challenging and defeating legendary fighters. The series delves into Baki's intense training, his battles against formidable opponents, and his complex relationships with his father, Yujiro Hanma, an infamous fighter known as the 'Strongest Creature on Earth'. As Baki faces increasingly powerful rivals, the show showcases a blend of action-packed fights, unique fighting styles, and deep character development. With its vibrant animation, engaging plot, and over-the-top combat sequences, Baki captivates fans of martial arts and action anime, highlighting themes of strength, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of greatness.