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L'Allée du roi (1996)

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Drama centering around the life at the court of Louis XIV and the role of the Marquise de Maintenon.

Nina Companéez , Françoise Chandernagor ,

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L'Allée du roi Cast and Characters - Full Details

Agathe de La Boulaye Agathe de La Boulaye as Duchesse de Bourgogne
Claude Aufaure Claude Aufaure as Cabart de Villemont
Dominique Blanc Dominique Blanc as Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon
Didier Sandre Didier Sandre as Louis XIV
Michel Duchaussoy Michel Duchaussoy as Paul Scarron
Samuel Labarthe Samuel Labarthe as Louis de Mornay, marquis de Villarceaux

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