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Magical Girl Ore (2018)

Comedy Animation
rating icon7.6

"Love makes a girl stronger." Saki Uno is working hard as part of the new idol unit, Magical Twin. The one she admires most is Mohiro Mikage, who’s the older brother of her idol unit partner Sakuyo, and he’s also a member of the top idol unit STAR☆PRINCE. She would be willing to do anything for him, and one day, those feelings brought on a miracle. Saki ended up turning into a magical girl when she strongly wished to protect someone... But what she turned into wasn’t exactly what she was expecting...


Seasons & Episodes

Season 1
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Magical Girl Ore Casts

Ayaka Ohashi Ayaka Ohashi as (voice)
Kaito Ishikawa Kaito Ishikawa as (voice)
Sachika Misawa Sachika Misawa as (voice)
Wataru Hatano Wataru Hatano as (voice)

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