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BlazBlue Alter Memory (2013)

Action & Adventure Animation Drama Mystery
rating icon7.5

In the year 2199, humanity eagerly waits for the dawn of the new century, following the end of a series of devastating magic wars. When the world's most wanted man, Ragna the Bloodedge (also known as the Grim Reaper) make a move to destroy society, a group of ragtag fighters come together to stop him.


Seasons & Episodes Guide - Complete Episode List by Season

Season 1
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BlazBlue Alter Memory Cast and Characters - Full Details

Tomokazu Sugita Tomokazu Sugita as Ragna the Bloodedge (voice)
Kanako Kondou Kanako Kondou as Noel Vermillion / Nu-13 / Lambda-11 (voice)
Tetsuya Kakihara Tetsuya Kakihara as Jin Kisaragi / Hakumen (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura Yuichi Nakamura as Hazama (voice)
Kana Ueda Kana Ueda as Rachel Alucard (voice)

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