Grimm Short Brief
Grimm is a fantasy crime drama series that follows Nick Burkhardt, a homicide detective in Portland, who discovers he is a "Grimm," a guardian tasked with keeping the balance between humanity and the mythological creatures known as Wesen. As Nick begins to see the hidden world of these supernatural beings, he must navigate the complexities of his new role while solving crimes that often involve Wesen-related cases. With the help of his partner Hank, his friend Monroe—an unusual Wesen who assists him in understanding their culture—and his girlfriend Juliette, Nick delves into the rich lore of fairy tales and folklore, uncovering dark secrets and ancient rivalries. The series expertly blends elements of horror, mystery, and dark humor, exploring themes of identity, morality, and the nature of good versus evil. With its compelling storytelling and unique twist on classic fairy tales, Grimm captivated audiences and developed a dedicated fanbase throughout its six-season run.