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Ballet Rose (1998)

Crime Drama
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When the Portuguese police began to investigate, in 1967, an illegal prostitution network, they ended up stumbling upon a huge secret that could shake the foundations of the republican regime: a select group of prostitutes who organized parties with teenage girls to secretly satisfy the sexual desires of bankers, politicians, ministers, aristocrats and powerful businessmen: the Ballet Rose Case.

Francisco Moita Flores , Felícia Cabrita ,

Seasons & Episodes Guide - Complete Episode List by Season

Season 1
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Ballet Rose Cast and Characters - Full Details

Ana Padrão Ana Padrão as Genoveva
Ana Zanatti Ana Zanatti as Condessa da Rocha
Carlos Santos Carlos Santos as Polícia Afonso
Fátima Belo Fátima Belo as Isabel
Filomena Gonçalves Filomena Gonçalves as Rosa de Melo
Fernanda Lapa Fernanda Lapa as Marquesa de Albuquerque

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