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24 is an iconic American television series that originally aired from 2001 to 2010, spanning nine seasons and a TV film. The show follows Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) agent Jack Bauer, portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland, as he navigates high-stakes crises in real time, with each 24-episode season covering a single 24-hour period. The innovative format of the series, which uses split screens and real-time storytelling, creates intense suspense as Jack battles terrorists, prevents bombings, and confronts personal challenges, all while grappling with moral dilemmas. The series is known for its thrilling plot twists, complex characters, and political commentary, and it has garnered numerous awards, including several Primetime Emmy Awards. The show's popularity led to a revival series, 24: Legacy, in 2017, focusing on a new character while maintaining the franchise's signature tension and pacing.