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What If (2016)

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What If Short Brief

What If...? is an animated anthology series from Marvel Studios that explores alternate scenarios in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Each episode presents a unique twist on familiar stories, reimagining pivotal moments and characters in unexpected ways. For example, the series imagines scenarios such as what would happen if Peggy Carter became Captain Carter instead of Steve Rogers or if T'Challa became Star-Lord. Through its imaginative storytelling and diverse animation styles, What If...? delves into themes of choice, consequence, and the multiverse, showcasing the infinite possibilities within the Marvel universe. With appearances from various beloved characters and original voice acting from many actors reprising their roles, the series has been praised for its creativity, engaging narratives, and ability to expand the MCU while celebrating its rich lore.

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1
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What If Casts

Allen Ai Lun Allen Ai Lun as Ai Lun
Zhang Xiaofei Zhang Xiaofei as Zhang Xiao-fei

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