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HIP - High Intellectual Potential backdrop
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HIP - High Intellectual Potential (2021 - 2024)

Comedy Mystery Crime Family
rating icon7.5

Morgane is 38-years old, has three children, two exes and an IQ of 160; her destiny as a cleaner is turned upside-down when her extraordinary abilities are spotted by the police who offer her a job as a consultant.

Alice Chegaray-Breugnot , Stéphane Carrié , Nicolas Jean ,
Where to Watch HIP - High Intellectual Potential ? Platform : Hulu logoHulu
Is HIP - High Intellectual Potential Still Airing ?
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Yes, the show is still airing.
How Many Seasons and Episodes Does HIP - High Intellectual Potential Have? 4 Season / 32 Episode

Seasons & Episodes Guide - Complete Episode List by Season

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4
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HIP - High Intellectual Potential Cast and Characters - Full Details

Audrey Fleurot photo Audrey Fleurot as Morgane Alvaro
Mehdi Nebbou photo Mehdi Nebbou as Adam Karadec
Bruno Sanches photo Bruno Sanches as Gilles Vandraud
Bérangère Mc Neese photo Bérangère Mc Neese as Daphné Forestier
Noé Vandevoorde photo Noé Vandevoorde as Eliott
Marie Denarnaud photo Marie Denarnaud as Céline Hazan

Watch HIP - High Intellectual Potential Trailer

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