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One in a Hundred (2020)

Comedy Drama
rating icon5.3

Nan Bo Wan is a high ranking executive, but his life is not considered luxurious in Beijing, so he decides to rent out an apartment to earn extra money. Bai Li Qian Chuan is an unknown idol, who has always dreamt of becoming popular and would do anything to achieve it. By chance, Bai Li Qian Chuan becomes Nan Bo Wan's rentee. One day, while Bai Li Qianchuan is doing a live broadcast, Nan Bo Wan walks past with only a towel wrapped around him. This leads to misunderstandings that the two are in a relationship and ultimately a new group of fujoshi fans for Bai Li Qian Chuan. Finally having a taste of popularity, Bai Li Qian Chuan decides to pretend to be gay and showcase lovey dovey moments with Nan Bo Wan.

Chai Ji Dan ,

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1
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One in a Hundred Casts

Liu Zirui Liu Zirui as Baili Qian Chuan / Ma Bao Tian
Lu Dongxu Lu Dongxu as Nan Bo Wan
Wang Haoxuan Wang Haoxuan as Mu Er
Zuo Qi Bo Zuo Qi Bo as Chun Tian Ran
Tsing Lou Tsing Lou as Han Xiang

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